Perfectly #ImPerfect

Every scar, every crack on the soul, every scratch on the body makes us a better person. The real art is to love, accept your imperfections and create a beautiful piece of jewelry out of them. After all, each of us is perfectly imperfect.

The first time I saw the Japanese technique of preserving and repairing porcelain called "Kintsugi", I was absolutely fascinated. The philosophy of not throwing away the broken fragility and instead elevating the crack into a perfectly golden piece of jewelry is something to be remembered, especially in this fast-paced age. In this way, this repaired, gold-glued porcelain gets a new life and, in its imperfection, becomes even more beautiful than it was before. Since I first visited Modran majolica - our original folk ceramics, and created jewelry inspired by this tradition, I have gotten to know the people behind the preservation of this beautiful craft. Every time I visit them, I see that they are the gold that holds the last fragments of this tradition. They are doing something admirable and I keep my fingers crossed that they don't lose the sense of why they do it. Majolica potters do their job perfectly, but just like in life, sometimes things we cannot control happen. Sometimes something spills, sometimes breaks, and sometimes cracks. The last time they showed me completely spread ceramics, I was fascinated by it. Half a year ago, I asked them to collect throw-outs and try to breathe new life into them. Soon I will present jewelry that I named #ImPerfect, as I am working on the theme of love for my own ImPerfections. Because each of us carries cracks or flaws, and it is up to us to repair them with the kintsugi technique and elevate them to something uniquely beautiful. All this is my inspiration. I love combining tradition, philosophy, and topics I currently deal with as a woman and a mother. I present the first three ceramics we created together with majolica, inspired by the kintsugi technique. Each one is a perfectly imperfect original, and instead of being thrown away, we bought them from majolica and gave them new life. Because we love how perfectly ImPerfect they are. You will be able to buy the first ceramic pieces in our kiosks, each of them is an unrepeatable original, and when something in majolica "goes wrong" again, we will be happy to offer another piece a new life.