How to shop

Choose a good

You can choose a good either by looking through the online catalogue or by searching. Your shopping will be facilitated by viewing the goods categories graphically. By clicking on individual items you can get more detailed information about a product, for example price, size and availability.

Searching for a good

You can search using a filter on the left side of the shop or using a search field at the upper left side of the shop under the magnifying glass sign.

Adding good to basket

If you have decided on your choice, you can add the good to the basket by pressing the ADD TO BASKET icon. In the upper right section of the screen the current number of items in the basket is always shown and after clicking the icon a detailed breakdown of these items along with prices will be displayed. You can also REMOVE the good from the basket on this screen.

Sending of order online

If you have already got the good chosen in the basket section, click on the CHECKOUT icon. If you have already shopped with us or you have an account with us, complete your user name (email address) and password on the right side. If you don't have an account with us yet then you can choose between Account registration and Shop without registering. During ACCOUNT REGISTRATION complete the obligatory information indicated with a star. During SHOP WITHOUT REGISTERING proceed in the same way. Subsequently you will get to the next steps where you can choose method of delivery, change delivery address, or add a note or your preferred indication of the order. After completing these steps you get to confirmation and summary of order. By pressing the BINDING ORDER WITH PAYMENT OBLIGATION icon you become our client and we make your order our highest priority.

After sending of order

After your order has been sent our staff member will contact you by email to confirm your order and familiarise you with availability and delivery time of the requested good. You can get other information about purchase at our website in the sections Terms & Conditions and Returns.