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Vyberte krajinu
The Sarra Collection brings lightness
of being in the form of fresh colours
into the life of every femme fatale.
The new collection of jewellery
is inspired by the traditional
art of Slovak embroidery dedicated
to the second-born daughter Sarra.
The colours and patterns come from a sleeve of the Čataj folk costume, which was richly coloured and its embroidery was technically very demanded, and part of the pattern was also a metal thread trimming. The colourful Sarra Collection is a celebration of life and joy from new beginnings.
Ešte chvíľu ukrytá
V príbehoch starých mám a v netušených túžbach
Dievčatko z rozprávky vyklíči
v rozkvitnutú dámu
Obavy a strachy zažehná
Vznešená a plná šarmu
S ňou sa vyfarbia radosť
a nové začiatky
Vkročiť do sveta
A zmeniť ho na slobodné miesto
Aby sa už žiadna
Nemusela báť byť
sama sebou
a úžasnou